Sharpen Your Knowledge with PECB (ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor) Certification Sample Questions
CertsTime has provided you with a sample question set to elevate your knowledge about the PECB QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor exam. With these updated sample questions, you can become quite familiar with the difficulty level and format of the real ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor certification test. Try our sample PECB QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor certification practice exam to get a feel for the real exam environment. Our sample practice exam gives you a sense of reality and an idea of the questions on the actual PECB Auditor Certifications exam.
Our sample questions are similar to the Real PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam questions. The premium PECB QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor certification practice exam gives you a golden opportunity to evaluate and strengthen your preparation with real-time scenario-based questions. Plus, by practicing real-time scenario-based questions, you will run into a variety of challenges that will push you to enhance your knowledge and skills.
PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Sample Questions:
You work for an organisation, 'ABC', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other
auditors) to audit an external provider, 'XYZ', which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 pm, and the audit is dlose to an end;
you are having an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting
was scheduled for 5 pm.
'XYZ' has two manufacturing lines: M1 is a clean room for primary packaging materials (i.e. will be in direct contact with the food), and M2 is for
secondary materials (i.e. will not be in direct contact with food).
Auditor 1 audited the two manufacturing lines.
You: "What findings would you report?"
Auditor 1: "I have one issue. Earlier today in the morning I saw some secondary material stocked in the clean room. I would propose raising a
You: "How would you write the nonconformity?"
Auditor 1: "In the clean room, there was a pallet with secondary materials."
What additional information would you add to this text to complete the nonconformity report? Select six.
An audit team of three people is conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 of an engineering organisation which manufactures sacrificial anodes for the
oil and gas industry in marine environments. These are aluminium products designed to prevent corrosion of submerged steel structures. As one of
the auditors, you find that the organisation has shipped anodes for Project DK in the Gulf of Mexico before the galvanic efficiency test results for the
anodes have been fully analysed and reported as required by the customer. The Quality Manager explains that the Managing Director authorised the
release of the anodes to avoid late delivery as penalties would be imposed. The customer was not informed since the tests rarely fall below the
required efficiency. You raise a nonconformity against clause 8.6 of ISO 9001.
During the audit team meeting in preparation for the Closing meeting, the second auditor disagreed with the clause of ISO 9001 selected for the
above nonconformity. He thinks it should be clause 9.1.1.
Choose three options for how the audit team leader should best respond to the situation:
Whistlekleen is a national dry cleaning and laundry company with 50 shops. You are conducting a surveillance audit of the Head Office and are sampling customer complaints. 80% of complaints originate from five shops in the same region. Most of these complaints
relate to customer laundry not being cleaned as customers require. The Quality Manager tells you that these are the oldest shops in the company. The cleaning equipment needs replacing but the company cannot afford it now. You learn that the shop managers were
told to dismiss most of the complaints because of the poor quality of the laundered materials.
On raising the matter with senior management, you are told that there are plans to replace the equipment in these shops over the next five years.
You raised a nonconformity against clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001.
Based on the scenario, select the three options which best describe the evidence for raising such a nonconformity.
You are auditing an organisation that has been certificated to ISO 9001 for ten years. The organisation is a privately-owned, multi-site car tyre fitting
organisation. You are auditing one of the sites. You are auditing the car tyre fitting service. You are interviewing the Site Manager (SM).
You: "Would you explain the car tyre fitting service?"
SM: "Of course. Customers typically call us by phone with their requirements. We ask them what they want. We check whether we have the tyres
they need in stock. If we don't have the tyres in stock, we contact our supplier to confirm when they would be able to supply the tyres. We then
determine the cost. We then check what availability we have in our busy schedule to fit the new tyres. We then inform the customer with details of
cost and when we can fit the tyres. If the customer is happy to proceed with the booking, we update our Work Schedule. The same process applies
for customers who walk into our office and for online requests."
You: "What information do you retain should there be a defect reported by a manufacturer of tyres that you have fitted?"
SM: "We maintain records of customer names, addresses and contact phone numbers. We maintain a record of the type of tyre fitted and the tyre
manufacturers batch information. We also maintain a record of the registration numbers of the vehicles we have fitted tyres to. All records are in our
Work Schedule."
Which two of the following options you would take to enable you to gather further audit evidence to validate what the Site Manager
has told you?
You are carrying out an audit at an organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation offers health and safety training to customers. Training courses are offered either as open courses, delivered at a public venue, or online, or as courses that are tailored to meet specific requirements. The business operates from a single office and those who deliver the training are either full-time employees or subcontractors.
You are interviewing the Training Manager (TM).
You: "What quality objectives apply to the training process?"
TM: "One of the quality objectives we aim for is a 90% minimum exam pass rate for all open training courses."
You: "How do you measure this objective?"
The Training Manager shows you a record on her computer and you see the following:
Which two of the following statements are true?
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