Sharpen Your Knowledge with Eccouncil CEH (312-50) Certification Sample Questions
CertsTime has provided you with a sample question set to elevate your knowledge about the Eccouncil Certified Ethical Hacker v13 exam. With these updated sample questions, you can become quite familiar with the difficulty level and format of the real 312-50 certification test. Try our sample Eccouncil Certified Ethical Hacker v13 certification practice exam to get a feel for the real exam environment. Our sample practice exam gives you a sense of reality and an idea of the questions on the actual Eccouncil Certified Ethical Hacker certification exam.
Our sample questions are similar to the Real Eccouncil CEH 312-50 exam questions. The premium Eccouncil Certified Ethical Hacker v13 certification practice exam gives you a golden opportunity to evaluate and strengthen your preparation with real-time scenario-based questions. Plus, by practicing real-time scenario-based questions, you will run into a variety of challenges that will push you to enhance your knowledge and skills.
Eccouncil 312-50 Sample Questions:
What kind of detection techniques is being used in antivirus softwares that identifies malware by collecting data from multiple protected systems and instead of analyzing files locally it's made on the premiers environment-
What is the purpose of DNS AAAA record?
OpenSSL on Linux servers includes a command line tool for testing TLS. What is the name of the tool and the correct syntax to connect to a web server?
You are performing a penetration test for a client and have gained shell access to a Windows machine on the internal network. You intend to retrieve all DNS records for the internal domain, if the DNS server is at and the domain name is abccorp.local, what command would you type at the nslookup prompt to attempt a zone transfer?
During an Xmas scan what indicates a port is closed?
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