Sharpen Your Knowledge with American Planning Association (AICP) Certification Sample Questions
CertsTime has provided you with a sample question set to elevate your knowledge about the American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners exam. With these updated sample questions, you can become quite familiar with the difficulty level and format of the real AICP certification test. Try our sample American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners certification practice exam to get a feel for the real exam environment. Our sample practice exam gives you a sense of reality and an idea of the questions on the actual American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners certification exam.
Our sample questions are similar to the Real American Planning Association AICP exam questions. The premium American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners certification practice exam gives you a golden opportunity to evaluate and strengthen your preparation with real-time scenario-based questions. Plus, by practicing real-time scenario-based questions, you will run into a variety of challenges that will push you to enhance your knowledge and skills.
American Planning Association AICP Sample Questions:
Scenario: Negative Comments about Consultant Work
At a recent national planning conference, you hear some very negative things about the quality of work done for clients by a well known consulting planning firm. Some of the comments are from people who may not have first-hand information At least one of the critical statements was made directly by a former client The firm, by coincidence, has now submitted a proposal to do work for your community. You call all of the references supplied by the consultant They check out fine. What should you do next?
Ethical Issues: How do you make sure that you don't pass on gossip, but do respond to legitimate issues affecting foe expenditure of public dollars?
Action Alternatives:
1. You have checked the references and they were fine. The folks you talked to are reasonable and had direct knowledge of the consultant's work. You do not want to appear to be looking to make trouble for yourself or anyone else You decide no further action is necessary.
2. When spending public money, you have a responsibility to make sure that the public will get the best value. This requires you to be zealous in determining whether there are any reasons for not hiring the consulting firm. After all, consulting firms do not ever list clients who they think might give them a bad reference. You call for references checking with names not on the list provided by the firm.
3. Other
Commentary: Negative Comments About Consultant Work
Code Citations:
C .1 A planner must protect and enhance the integrity of the profession and must be responsible in criticism of the profession
C .2 A planner must accurately represent the qualifications, views, and findings of colleagues.
C .3 A planner who reviews the work of other professionals must do so in a fair, considerate, professional, and equitable manner
You are the planning director in a small town. Your husband runs the local country club and is applying for construction of a new swimming pool. This application will be reviewed by the planning commission for approval. Often, planners who are faced with this type of dilemma:
You are the planning director in a small town. Your husband runs the local country club and is applying for construction of a new swimming pool. This application will be reviewed by the planning commission for approval. This situation clearly:
You are the planning director in a small town. Your husband runs the local country club and is applying for construction of a new swimming pool. This application will be reviewed by the planning commission for approval. What will you do?
A private sector planner is preparing a site plan. He intends to secure local government approval for his client's development project since it could lead to additional work for him in the subsequent phases of the project. According to the AICP Code of Ethics:
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